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Allow me to introduce myself...

stump; the bottom part of a tree left projecting from the ground after most of the trunk has fallen or been cut down.

I relate to this definition on a deep level but before I start to dig into that, you should know that I was born with the last name "Stump."  That will clear up most of your confusion at this point but let me explain further.

Something you may not know about trees is if they are cut just right, they can actually grow back.  If a tree is cut down in the winter months, the energy stored in it's roots will allow it to start to grow back in the spring.  After being hit with a couple of tough times, I have come back swinging. I have dove right back into my old hobbies & interests & have gained new. 

I would consider my life to be full to the brim of love & happiness, however, I believe in order to appreciate both of those completely, one must live through times where neither of those seemed to be present.

Before those tough times took place in my life, I was young & had a positive outlook on what I wanted for my life - picture a thriving tree with plenty of sunshine & rain.

Within four short years I gave birth to two beautiful humans whom I poor my entire heart into. And while this is the hardest & most rewarding adventure I have ever taken on with open arms [alone], just know there has not been a lack of broken hearts & all of the tears. Think of a thriving tree being cut down to a stump. 


Remember when I mentioned trees can grow back?  Well, so can people.

This is my journey & I invite you to join me while I show you my passions & teach some pretty creative things.  

With love,


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